The Sun Rises, The Sun Sets

One of my favorite things in nature are sunrises and sunsets. At a young age, I would climb up to the roof, the tree fort, or ride my bike to a place with a view to stare and watch with pure amazement. They are beautiful sky paintings, the coming and going of the light energies of the world. So naturally they are one of my favorite things to photograph. Here is a photo compilation video of all my sunrise & sunset photos from the last 14 months. Some that turned out okay and some that were incredible. Combined with some of my favorite music, I hope that it gives you all the good feelings🙂 Enjoy!

I would like to know, what is your favorite thing in nature?

4 replies to “The Sun Rises, The Sun Sets

  1. What a great idea! You’ve inspired me to start collecting (and taking more of) my sunrises and sunsets. I love both, perhaps equally. When I’m visiting Kauai on vacation, my guy and i set our alarm for 5:45 a.m. to make sure we’re up, dressed, coffee in hand, to walk to the edge of the beach and watch the sun rise. My favorite time of the day until 6:30 p.m., when, with a half glass of wine in hand, we walk to the beach and watch the sun set, even seeing that “green glow” at the bottom of the horizon.
    That’s one of my favorite things in nature. Also, walking along the NJ shore and listening to the surf. And walking through a New England forest and listening to the wind through the trees. I could go on and on. 🙂 Beautiful photos you share here. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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